Signs of Falling Over

This blog contains all the riddles to fill in life, love & friendship

Sunday, January 15, 2006

How they behave

How Girls behave when she's interested or She likes YOU
  • She's very shy infront of you
  • She looks anywhere but your eyes
  • She always looks away from you whenever you're looking at her.
  • She doesn't dare talk to you
  • She's always talking about you to her mates
  • She keeps smiling
  • She'll always be walking pass you or so
How Guys behave when he's interested or He likes YOU
  • He'll always look at you secretly
  • He always talks to you
  • He's always asking people about you. Your likes and dislikes
  • All his mates know about you
  • His mates are always around you
  • His mates always talk about him infront of you
  • He's always happy when you're around
Things you should be aware of
  • It's never too early to hold her hand if you're sure she likes you
  • Girls are always shy. If you know she's interested, grab the chance and ask her out or whensoever
  • Guys are softies to the girls they like. But it doesn't mean you can bully them


  • At 4:51 PM, Blogger Gadgetgirl07 said…

    that's probably bcoz half the girls in our standard attack 'em

    & ps: i'm so innocent!! i didn't hit/chase them this year!!!!


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